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Coaching Your Child's Sporting (Judo?) Team

Judo Coaching - It's Not About What You Know

It doesn't matter what you know or not as the case may be, there are many opportunities available for parents to be involved in Judo coaching.

Image of Newport Judo Logo - This article is about Coaching Your Child's Sporting (Judo?) Team
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Most parents don't have the opportunity to coach in a Judo contest. This is because most parents don't feel as though they have the knowledge of judo they need. But parents should not allow themselves to be put off.

I've never been to a judo contest yet where they have ever turned down the offer of help from a parent.

Any contest requires announcers, timekeepers, belt tying (for little Judoka), scorekeepers. And although it does take knowledge to do these things there is always someone willing to help you do it. It is often so much easier to show someone than to try and do all things yourself.

When I first offered my help at a judo contest I had the knowledge to do most of the activities but received a surprise when I forgot myself and tried to coach my students from the side as well. The realization that there was a whole other etiquette that you need to keep in mind when you are a helper and try to coach hit me in a whole other way.

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This article talks about "coaching your child's sporting team". Your child's coach will love you if you volunteer to help run the club but it may be a good idea to read this first.

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