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The Forbidden Techniques of Judo (Kinshi Waza) 柔道の禁止技

The Forbidden Techniques in Martial Arts: A Historical Perspective

In the world of martial arts, there exists a set of techniques known as the "forbidden techniques." These techniques have garnered attention and controversy over the years due to their potential to cause severe injuries. This video focuses on four infamous forbidden Judo techniques and explores why they were banned, how they work, and their historical significance.

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Ashi Garami - The Leg-Locking Technique

Ashi Garami, the oldest among the forbidden techniques, involves manipulating an opponent's leg to the point of causing injury. In 1899, at the Butokukai in Kyoto, Japan, an incident occurred during a match between the first Soke of Fosen Ryu Jujutsu, Mataya Montanabe, and an opponent. Montanabe broke his opponent's leg without giving them a chance to tap out. This incident shocked the martial arts community, leading to calls for the banning of leg locks. Eventually, in 1916, Ashi Garami was officially prohibited.

Mechanically, Ashi Garami entails pulling guard, tangling an opponent's leg, and applying downward pressure to the knee, causing it to sprain or break. The technique involves flexing the adductors and extending the hips. It's essential to have strong abductors and powerful legs to execute it effectively.

Dojime - The Rib-Crushing Technique

Dojime involves squeezing an opponent's torso, primarily targeting the ribs and kidneys. When executed, it can result in cracked ribs and internal injuries. The technique was banned in 1916 due to its potential for causing severe harm. This technique can be likened to the sensation of being bear-hugged and having your ribs compressed to the point of breaking.

Kanye Basami - The Scissor Sweep

Kanye Basami, often referred to as the scissor sweep, is a technique that can be extremely dangerous. It has the potential to rip ligaments and shatter knees. Falling while your legs are not correctly aligned during this technique can result in severe injuries. Although variations of the technique can be performed safely, the risk of injury remains high.

In 1984, a gruesome accident involving Yasuhiro Yamashita, a future Olympic champion, highlighted the danger of Kanye Basami. This led to its official ban in 1991.

Kawasu - Leg-Tangling Technique

Kawasu is the least dangerous of the forbidden techniques but can still lead to injuries. It involves tangling an opponent's leg from the thigh to the ankle and shooting the leg straight, making it susceptible to damage. Falling on the straightened leg can cause severe injuries, potentially to the face or side of the knee.

Kawasu was first penalized in 2003, making it the most recent of the forbidden techniques to be addressed.

The debate around these forbidden techniques centres on their perceived danger. Some argue that they are overly protected and not as hazardous as claimed, while others emphasize the potential for severe injuries, especially in dynamic, explosive martial arts like judo.

These forbidden techniques were banned for a reason. While some may argue that they can be executed safely, the potential for grave injuries, especially in high-impact martial arts, is a cause for concern. Understanding the history and mechanics of these techniques sheds light on their true nature. It's crucial to prioritize safety in martial arts to ensure the well-being of practitioners and maintain the integrity of the sport.

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