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Traditional Judo Throws: Exploring Kyuzo Mifune’s Rare Techniques

Exploring Rare and Lost Throws in Judo: Insights from Kyuzo Mifune’s "Canon of Judo"

Kyuzo Mifune's "Canon of Judo" offers a fascinating exploration of rare and lost throws in Judo. This historical perspective sheds light on traditional techniques, revealing their unique applications and connections to modern throws. Here, we delve into some key moments and techniques highlighted in a video that discusses these rare throws.

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Te Waza: The Hand Technique

Te Waza, a hand technique, stands out for its precision and elegance. This throw demonstrates the mastery of manipulating an opponent’s balance with minimal effort. Its relevance to traditional Judo lies in its fundamental principles, which apply to various throws. Practising Te Waza hones a judoka's ability to control an opponent’s centre of gravity, a skill essential for many other techniques.

Ganseki Otoshi: The Connection to Seio Otoshi

Ganseki Otoshi, a throw involving a dropping motion, shares a strong relationship with Seio Otoshi (drop Seio Nage). The point of kuzushi (breaking balance) in Ganseki Otoshi has direct applications to Seio Otoshi. Understanding this connection enhances a judoka's ability to execute Seio Otoshi with greater effectiveness. By mastering Ganseki Otoshi, one gains insights into the intricate balance and timing required for Seio Otoshi.

Tama Guruma: The No Leg Grab Kata Guruma

Tama Guruma is closely related to the no-leg grab version of Kata Guruma. This throw emphasizes kuzushi, which is crucial for executing the no-leg grab Kata Guruma successfully. Practising Tama Guruma provides judokas with a deeper understanding of the principles of leverage and balance. These principles are vital for mastering throws that involve lifting an opponent without grabbing their legs.

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Toby Goshi: The Counter to Hip Throws

Toby Goshi serves as a counter to various hip throws. While its execution is not highly unusual, it requires exceptional skill. Only a judoka as skilled as Mifune could perform this throw without risking being thrown themselves. Toby Goshi highlights the importance of timing and precision in countering an opponent’s hip throw. This throw underscores the need for judokas to develop quick reflexes and adaptability.

Ushiro Guruma: The Relation to Hane Goshi

Ushiro Guruma, though somewhat different, has a strong relationship with Hane Goshi. This throw involves a backward spinning motion, which shares principles with Hane Goshi. Understanding Ushiro Guruma provides valuable insights into the kuzushi for Hane Goshi. Practising Ushiro Guruma enhances a judoka’s ability to execute Hane Goshi with improved balance and control.

Historical and Practical Significance

The rare and lost throws featured in Kyuzo Mifune’s "Canon of Judo" offer more than historical curiosity. They provide valuable insights into traditional Judo techniques and their applications. These throws reveal the underlying principles of kuzushi, timing, and leverage, which are essential for mastering modern throws. By studying and practising these techniques, judokas can deepen their understanding of Judo’s rich heritage and enhance their overall skill set.

Incorporating these rare throws into regular training sessions enriches a judoka's repertoire. It also fosters a greater appreciation for the art and history of Judo. Kyuzo Mifune’s "Canon of Judo" remains a timeless resource, offering a treasure trove of knowledge for both practitioners and enthusiasts.

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