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Sangaku Jime: An Analysis

Daria Bilodid's Revolutionary Sankaku Gatame

Daria Bilodid, an elite judoka, has introduced a remarkable variation of the Sankaku Gatame, setting a new standard in the world of judo. Her unique approach leverages her physical attributes and sharpens the efficiency of this technique.

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Physical Attributes and Their Impact

Standing at 5'8" (172 cm) and competing in the under-48 kg category, Daria Bilodid is notably tall for her weight class. Her long limbs and slim build give her a distinct advantage, particularly in Ashi Waza (leg techniques), Ouchi Gari, and Uchi Mata. These attributes also play a crucial role in her adaptation of the Sankaku Gatame, allowing her to execute it with a level of efficiency that is unprecedented.

Traditional Sankaku Gatame: A Review

To appreciate Daria’s variation, it is essential to understand the traditional Sankaku Gatame. The conventional approach involves positioning oneself on the same axis as the opponent. The judoka hooks a leg under the opponent’s armpit, forms a triangle, and then flips the opponent to complete the hold. This method, while effective, has a significant downside. The judoka must switch leg positions after the initial hook, creating a momentary gap that opponents can exploit to escape.

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Daria Bilodid’s Perpendicular Approach

Daria Bilodid’s version of the Sankaku Gatame addresses the inefficiencies of the traditional method. The key difference lies in her perpendicular positioning relative to the opponent, rather than aligning on the same axis. This adjustment allows her to hook her opponent immediately without needing to re-establish the position.

Once Daria establishes the triangle, she flips her opponent using leverage, eliminating the need to switch leg positions. This streamlined process not only saves time but also reduces the chances of the opponent escaping. The result is a secure hold that is nearly impossible to break once it is locked in place.

Practical Application in Competition

Daria's variation proves its worth in competitive settings. During her matches, she executes the technique with precision, transitioning smoothly from standing to the ground. Her version of the Sankaku Gatame is particularly effective because it requires minimal adjustment, making it almost instantaneous in application. In one notable instance against a Romanian competitor, Daria attempted an Ouchi Gari before transitioning seamlessly into her Sankaku Gatame. Her perpendicular positioning ensured the triangle was locked in immediately, leaving her opponent with no room for escape.

Efficiency and Technical Superiority

Daria Bilodid’s Sankaku Gatame is a game-changer in the world of judo. By eliminating the need to switch legs, she closes the window of opportunity for opponents to escape. This version is not only time-efficient but also technically superior. It maximizes leverage and minimizes effort, making it a preferred method for judokas seeking to enhance their groundwork.

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